Application Process

The application process for a Construction Project Assistance grant or loan follows these four steps.

1. Submit application.

For the Annual Round, a completed Funding Application must be submitted by the deadline posted on the webpage (the due date is typically set to late October). For projects that have been advised to submit as a Special Project, the Supplemental Form must be attached to explain how the project meets the criteria.

Get the funding application  

2. Advisory Commission review.

Once all applications have been submitted and reviewed for completeness, a subcommittee of the DWGTF Advisory Commission will review the applications and evaluate the merits of the projects based on stated criteria.

See the evaluation criteria in the construction project rules  

3. Funding decisions.

The subcommittee presents funding recommendations to the Advisory Commission for approval. NHDES will send funding decision letters to applicants in December.

4. Submit final application.

If your project is selected for funding, you must first receive the authority to accept the grant and/or loan funds and submit a final application to NHDES. All grants and loans from DWGTF must be approved by the New Hampshire Governor and Executive Council (G&C). The final application materials provide NHDES with the information needed to move forward with G&C approval.

View the funding approval steps