Seacoast Private Well Initiative

A pilot project that serves private well users by removing barriers to water testing and helping them improve their future health.

A map showing the seacoast private well initiative project area. Towns within the area include: Dover, Madbury, Newington, Portsmouth, New Castle, Greenland, Rye, Strathman, North Hampton, Hampton, Exeter and Seabrook. The Seacoast Private Well Initiative is a pilot project to serve private well users by removing barriers to water testing and helping them improve their future health. The initiative came out of the work of the Seacoast Commission on Long-Term Goals and Requirements for Drinking Water and is funded by the Drinking Water and Groundwater Trust Fund.

Many well owners are unaware there could be harmful substances in their water, from natural elements in the rock and soil like arsenic, to human-caused contaminants like PFAS. While customers of public water systems rely on their water system operators to ensure their water is safe, private well users must take charge of their own water quality. The Seacoast Private Well Initiative helps private well users overcome the barriers to water testing by increasing knowledge and making water testing free and convenient. This project, if successful, may serve as a template to roll out throughout New Hampshire.

From 2022-2024 private well users within the Seacoast Commission’s region are offered:

  • An educational workshop about common well contaminants, possible health effects, water testing and treatment options.
  • Followed up with a free water test for 19 of the most common contaminants.
  • A Be Well Informed report that details their water quality results, potential health effects and water treatment recommendations tailored to their water quality situation.
  • Low-income participants with contaminants offered a free Zero Water pitcher filter.
  • Participants with PFAS exceedances are encouraged to apply for the PFAS Removal Rebate

Workshop schedule is ongoing throughout 2022-2024:

Workshop Workshop Date Number of households that participated
Madbury September 22, 2022


Exeter & North Hampton January 11, 2023 108
Stratham February 22, 2023 276
Hampton & Seabrook September 14, 2023 40
Greenland, Newington, Rye & Portsmouth November 15, 2023 TBA
Dover January 30, 2024 TBA



Amy Hudnor, Coordinator

(603) 271-5986